Be yourself and be lively! Opening your own way!

This article introduces the experiences of Mr N, and his child, Mr Y, who stayed with their mother and child for a week in Samegawa Village, Fukushima Prefecture, where they run a nature school, in December 2021. Their child, Mr Y, also took part in the interview with them!

Profile of Mr. N, Mr. Y
Age: 40s,10s
Birthplace: Saitama Prefecture
Occupation:Housewife,2nd grade primary schools student
Period of stay: 1 week
About the place of stay: Samegawa Village, Fukushima Prefecture
Host family’s introduction HP:
Host family name: Shinshi-san



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Why did you use Familyinn?

In late September, my son wanted to participate in a study abroad programme in a mountain village, as he was missing school more and more days after the summer holidays, partly due to COVID-19. I wanted him to be able to stretch out and do activities, interact with the landscape, animals and people. I suggested to my son that he should not have to stay in a small place, so I suggested a study abroad experience in a mountain village. What I like about this FAMILYINN is that parents can also participate with their son, which makes it easier for my son, who is still a bit spoiled, to join in.

I don’t know what is right for my son, but I don’t think I can ignore his wishes. I have thought about it and where I end up is that I want him to live a healthy and peaceful life.

Did you have any concerns before your homestay?

Y: I didn’t have any worries!

N: I was worried about getting there properly because I had never been there before. I had heard that there were no convenience stores where I was going, so I often wondered whether it would be better to have a lot of luggage or if I wanted to minimise it again, but this would be fine.

In fact, we were able to contact each other to make sure we could go. When my son’s feet were cold and I thought it would be better to buy thick children’s slippers, the host stopped to shop so I could buy what I was missing on the way. We also had a bath, which kept us very warm!

What was your experience like?

When I arrived at my homestay, my host wrote my schedule on the whiteboard and asked me what I wanted to do, so we discussed and decided. We talked about whether we would be at home or not at work that day and where we wanted to go! My son wanted to cook! So we made hamburgers.

We went to many other places and had many different experiences.
-Hiking in the local mountains.
-Hiking in the prairies
-chopping wood
-Stone oven pizza
-Making hamburgers
-Farming (digging chrysanthemum potatoes, working in plastic greenhouses)
-Walking the dog
-Caring for chickens
-Play with local children every Saturday and Sunday

Y: I especially enjoyed chopping wood the most. I cut it in one shot and it was very quick and easy. My host showed me how to do it and it was easy! I spent two hours a day chopping wood! We also found salamanders, which only live in areas with clean water. We were able to find them because our hosts worked hard to find them and put on their boots! We had a lot of fun in the cold, eating rice balls at the top of the mountain and breaking ice in puddles in the rice paddies! Our routine consisted of walking the dog at 8.30am and 4pm and looking after the goats.

N: I also chopped wood. Other than that, we stretched the pizza dough ourselves, topped it with fresh vegetables and baked it in a stone oven, which was amazing. My son was also incredibly lively and talked a lot!

What is your impression of the hosts?

N: I was told by the management FAMILYINN that they were very nice people, and I really thought that was true. My host, SHINJI, didn’t say ‘no’ too often and let me do what I wanted to do as much as possible. They let us do things that would be dangerous for adults at home. For example, my son got on the transporter and carried things slowly when they were on the transporter. His watchful attitude was really amazing. He also talked to me about important things in life.

Message from me

Mr Y ・Son: It was a lot of fun! In Samegawa Village, we could do a lot of work and there are not many shops, so it was fresh because we could harvest and eat what we eat. There are not many people because it is in the countryside, the stars are beautiful at night, and it was just a fun place with rich nature, so I wanted to stay in Samegawa Village for a long time!

Mr N ・His father : I’m really glad we went. My son didn’t mind getting covered in mud, he was so absorbed in it. During our stay, he was in a different mode and was so energetic that I couldn’t keep up with him lol. I found out that it was fun to experience different things and I would like to participate again. My son also wants to go back, so now I want to join the nature school with just him.

About Familyinn

We believe that you only meet people on a journey once in a lifetime.

There are times when you can touch a place, a person, but can’t connect deeply with them.

If it’s just a place with information on the internet, it’s not enough.

If we could spend a little more time together.

I feel we could help you to become more, deeply aware and discover a new you.

FAMILYINN is a community whereby you live in the community.

We hope that by living in the community, you will become more integrated, more connected and more aware.

And we offer you moments of encounter with yourself.




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